Introducing the book that began my kid lit journey.

The Jealous Little Munchkin

Meet Munchkin

Munchkin is a sweet, curious, and shy kitty who lives with her Mama and Papa Kitty. Munchkin lives happily with her Mama and Papa until the day her sister Buttercup arrives. Munchkin doesn’t know what to do, and believes her life has turned upside down! Now she must learn to adjust as this big and fuzzy addition to her family disrupts her day’s routine.

Meet Buttercup

Buttercup is a golden retriever puppy who was adopted by Mama and Papa Kitty. She becomes Munchkin’s little sister. She is very different from Munchkin. She is large, she is very fluffy, playful, pants, and licks a lot! Buttercup loves her Mama and Papa, but she especially loves her older sister, Munchkin. Although they’re very different, will Munchkin and Buttercup ever get along?

Ranked top 5% on Amazon in Sibling Relationships

Shelved Top 10 on Goodreads in Facts of Life

If you have little ones in your life struggling to live with a new brother or sister, now is the time to meet Munchkin and her little sister Buttercup!

Open the door to healthy conversation around this common and important social emotional learning topic. All the while, making memorable moments at book time with your little ones again and again!

If you have read The Jealous Little Munchkin, please consider giving it a review on Amazon and Goodreads. It helps a lot!

What People Are Saying

Sweet and funny story about dealing with a new sibling. Readers will be left with the message that there is room for feelings to grow and change when family dynamics shift.

— Fellow Children’s Author

Such a cute book and story! Bought a couple of these books for those expecting new ones on the way… One for family, and the other for a good friend! The kids loved the book and the pet friendly illustrations :)

— Happy Customer

This little book has the sweetest characters and darling illustrations! Not only is this book good for families who are looking for ways to help their kids adjust to new additions, I think it can apply to similar situations where any kid may feel jealous of having to share attention and love (new friends in friend groups, extended family, etc). Great lesson, would highly recommend!

— Happy Customer

Families getting ready to welcome a new baby can use this book to discuss Munchkin's emotions and to prepare older kids for the jealousy and frustration they may feel at first. In the end, does Munchkin decide that sharing the attention (and toys) is worth it? Rest assured the book ends on a sweet, upbeat note.

— Fellow Children’s Author